The Friends of Danesbury Fernery have published the 2019 edition of their Promotional Leaflet.
Category Archives: Local Organisations
Welwyn Parish Directory
Everything Within for Residents of Welwyn Parish
The Welwyn Parish Plan Group has been publishing its Directory regularly over the past decade, this is the sixth edition.
Hard copies are available at the Community Café, at Bridge Cottage, in the Library and at the Danesbury/QVM shop. It can be accessed on line, as here and on the Parish Council website.
Ian Skidmore, Chairman of the Parish Plan Group, reports “I saw a notice in a hardware shop window in a High Street recently that said:
“If we don’t have it you don’t need it”
While we do call this “Everything Within” we do that with our fingers crossed. If you think there is something we need to add please let us know via . We can then update the online version although the hard copy will have to wait for the next edition.
We hope you find this useful
Banking in the Village
PRESS RELEASE 09 March 2019
Barclays Bank’s scheduled closure will go ahead on 29th March. This is despite the Petition co-ordinated by Christina Raven, bearing 1184 signatures, which asks that the bank should stay open for a few more years.
At a meeting with Barclays on Friday 8th March, Grant Shapps MP presented the petition on behalf of the community to Donna Hagan-Grenfell, Community Banking Director. Also present were Cllr Tony Kingsbury, Leader of Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, Sandra Kyriakides for the Welwyn Planning & Amenity Group, Jane Carr for St Mary’s Church and Delene Miller, proprietor of Welwyn’s Post Office. Lisa Webb, Barclays Community Relations Officer and Dean Body, Director of Business Banking at Welwyn Garden City were also present.
Grant Shapps spelled out the major issues that the closure of the Bank will create. These are of great concern to the local community and Mr Shapps asked that Barclays find ways to help the community in the short-term, until long-term solutions are implemented.
Sandra Kyriakides pointed out that the nearest banks to Welwyn are either 4 miles away in Welwyn Garden City or 5 miles away in Stevenage. This can involve half a day on buses for the elderly and less able, for whom Barclays in Welwyn has been a lifeline for so many years. She also said that the defibrillator needs to be as near to its current location as possible as this is the part of the village with the highest footfall. She raised the concern of businesses that operate mainly on a cash basis and the problems they will have.
Dona Hagan expressed a willingness to help on behalf of Barclays. She was unable to give definitive answers at the meeting but will be seeking approval for the suggestions made and will report back to those present at the meeting as soon as possible.
The meeting was very positive. Agreement, in principle, was reached for the following:
- The ATM machine is to be relocated to a suitable site within Welwyn Village and will be paid for and maintained by Barclays, provided they can do this without incurring a rental charge. Barclays will endeavour to keep the current machine operational until then. Grant Shapps stressed that there must be no break in availability of cash provision.
- The Defibrillator can remain on the wall of the Barclays Bank building until approval for the new site is finalised and Barclays will continue to supply the electrical connection. This could take some months. Barclays has agreed to cover the cost of moving and reinstalling the defibrillator.
- A Banking Assistance service will be provided by Barclays for as long as is appropriate to those who need help with online banking procedures. This will be of particular benefit to the older members of the community who are less mobile or unsure of technology. St Mary’s Church has offered space in Church House to run these sessions on Tuesday mornings when Community Café meets.
- Businesses that are Barclays customers are invited to contact Dean Body at Welwyn Garden City to discuss arrangements that may be possible for provision and collection of cash, called “Business Collect”. Dona Hagan also agreed to investigate the possibility of providing this service to the Charity Shop and Church.
Although Barclays’ decision is irreversible and the loss of the bank will be difficult for Welwyn, they are at least listening to the problems that losing the bank will cause to the village and seem to be willing to help.
Our thanks to Grant Shapps MP for his support and to Christina Raven for all her work putting together the Petition, which Barclays say they will acknowledge.
Sandra Kyriakides
Project Manager
Welwyn Planning & Amenity Group
Community Cafe – from strength to strength
Ian Skidmore reports on the success of 2018
The Community Cafe makes a surplus each year. The surplus has grown slightly over the years even though the cost of coffee, biscuits and teacakes has increased. This is because, as the message gets around, more people come here on Tuesday and also because increasingly people come back for second helpings!
The surplus this year was a little over £1200, this is divided between the PCC who provide the facility and the Parish Plan. The Parish Plan share goes towards the projects we run.
Go to the Parish Plan Group for more information about the background to the formation of the Community Cafe, and a fuller report for 2018.
WPAG Welcomes the Wilshere Residents Association
He explained that the WPRA already have some 100 households signed-up to their Association, who are collectively facing a number of unresolved issues with the developers Linden Homes; issues that include un-adopted Highways, Footpaths and Rights of Way, and other services.
Support the Oaklands Campaign for a Playground
This is a message from the Oaklands Playground Team
Calling mums of youngsters in the Oaklands area. Vicky Turkentine is looking for support with her campaign to establish a playground in the Oaklands area. As you know, there is nothing for young ones at present and this is a facility that is very much lacking for local residents.
Please check out her website and help her in any way you can. She is totally dedicated to this project and has put much time and effort into researching a suitable location.
Welwyn’s Community Cafe Celebrates Eight Successful Years!
The following Report was prepared by Sandra Kyriakides, WPAG Project Manager and former Welwyn Hatfield Borough Councillor who took all the photos.
A very popular event in the Welwyn Social Calendar is the weekly “Get Together” at Welwyn’s Community Café, held in St Mary’s Church House every Tuesday morning from 10:00am to 12:00 noon.
On 3rd November 2017, the Community Café celebrated its 8th year of successful operation and, to mark this occasion, visitors this week were treated to complimentary delicious home-made sausage rolls and yummy cakes from Katie’s along with their teas and coffees.
The project was the joint venture of the Welwyn Parish Plan Group and St Mary’s Parochial Church Council. It was launched in 2009 and has grown from strength to strength in popularity and attendance and has created a vibrant facility for residents from Welwyn and surrounding areas to socialise in an informal and friendly atmosphere.
Delicious freshly brewed coffee, biscuits and toasted teacakes are on offer at a very reasonable price. All are welcome in an ambiance that buzzes with lively conversation and provides the opportunity to meet up with existing friends and to make new ones.
Local volunteers staff the kitchen under the joint guidance of volunteer supervisors Jean Perriman and Lesley Watson. Since taking over the running of the Community Café from Barbara Spencer in February 2017, Jean and Lesley have been doing a wonderful job with impressive efficiency, combined with their boundless enthusiasm and friendliness.
WNHS – Programme 2017-2018
Programme 2017 – 2018
Meetings held at Welwyn Civic Centre, Small Hall 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Feb 22 Here Come the Hares! Jane Russ
Mar 22 Medicines from Living Things Dr Chris Woolston
April 26 The Biodiversity at Panshanger Park Jen Gilbert
May 24 The History of the Amwell Magna Fishery Feargal Sharkey
June 21 Reptiles and Amphibians at the Commons Rory Dimond
Sept 27 Up, Up and Away, the Story of Bird Flight Dr Edward Eastwood
Oct 25 The Natural Wonders of Bolivia Clint Bull
Nov 22 Joint meeting with Hertfordshire Natural History Society
(Speaker and Subject to be announced)
Dec 13 Light Hearted Quiz & Members Christmas Gathering
Jan 24 AGM and Members evening
Members’ photos, exhibits and short talks welcomed.
(Offers to Raymond Uffen in advance please)
Feb 28 Protecting our Hen Harriers Paul Stancliffe
3rd Sunday Friends of Mardley Heath work parties
– Meet at car park 10 am
4th Sunday Tewinbury SSSI work parties September – April
– meet at HMWT car park on Farm Drive 9.30 am
(Contact Robin Cole 01438 813403
3rd Thursday Danesbury Local Nature Reserve – work parties
Meet at 10 a.m. – call John Roper on 07910 311589 for details of the meeting place)
Nov 22 2017 Joint Meeting with WNHS at Welwyn Civic Centre (See above)
(Contact Penny Fanthorpe 077617 12245)
Feb 28 Conservation Overseas Steve Hughes A Rocha
Meeting at Howlands Baptists Church WGC – 8 pm
Mar 11 Willow Weaving Workshop Hazel Godfrey
Meeting at Howlands Baptist Church, WGC – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Mar 28 Round the County in 90 hours – Walking the Herfordshire Way – – an illustrated talk Elizabeth Hamilton
Meeting at Howlands Baptist Church, WGC – 8 p.m.
Defibrillator – News about Training – and an update.
Welwyn’s Community Defibrillator
Welwyn Village now has an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) located outside Barclays Bank in Church Street. This is accessible 24/7 without prior training by anyone witnessing a person having a suspected heart attack. It will significantly increase the chance of saving their life before Paramedics arrive.
If you are in this situation:
- Call 999
- Go to the AED cabinet outside Barclays
- The Ambulance Operator will give you the code to open the cabinet door so you can retrieve the AED and at the same time they will despatch medical help
- Take it to the patient and follow the easy video and audio instructions on the AED unit
- You cannot harm someone in error; if they are not actually in cardiac arrest (heart attack) the AED will not shock them!
Many thanks to everyone who supported the fund-raising initiative. In particular we thank the Welwyn Wailers for donating £1,000 from this year’s Wail, and the four village businesses that responded with donations, Mimram Veterinary Centre, Neel Dentistry, Putterills and SuSu.
We have arranged for the Community Heartbeat Trust to run an awareness session at 8 – 9.30 pm on Wednesday 28th September in St Mary’s Church House. This is for anyone who would like to know how to recognise someone having a heart attack, how the AED works, how it links with the ambulance service and how to look after the patient until medical help arrives. This session is free of charge and you are very welcome to attend.
We almost have funds for a second AED and pending further fund-raising are investigating other locations within the civic parish of Welwyn. If you are able to contribute to this important community asset please contact us for details.
Jane Carr Ian Skidmore
01438 712510 01438 716428
Bike and Hike Today
It might be a bit wet outside today, and a little late to remind you, but not too late to ask you to consider donating to a good cause.
Today, Saturday 10th September 2016, is the Annual Bike and Hike Event organised by St Mary’s Church, Welwyn.
This year the money raised is split half and half between ‘Bliss‘, a charity that helps babies and their families who are born unwell or prematurely, and the Historic Churches Trust, who help maintain the historic church buildings across Herts. and Beds.
It might a little late to invite you to hike or bike today, but not too late for you to make a donation. To make a donation online to: