

WPAG Officers and Lead Members
Chair Russell Haggar
Treasurer Clive Head
Secretary Post currently vacant
Editor David Cheek
WPAG Committee Members
John Roper    
Geoffrey Yates    
Caroline Tinner        
Sandra Saunders        

One thought on “Contacts

  1. Thanks Jeremy. Our Chairman comments:- “We found your video quite interesting. It does have its similarities to our situation and I think we should thank Jeremy for sending the link to us if that hasn’t been done already”.

    In Welwyn we do share the issue of lack of transparency and communications. And we particularly value your point that A local council should be functional, democratic and accountable and should take accountability for sustainable development. Failure to do so is a breach of the council’s code of conduct.

    We have events and outcomes that most certainly puts the council officers into that category and we will be relying on such arguments as we move forward.

    Thanks for your helpful comment.

    John Roper
    Webmaster and Assistant Editor.

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