Drivesafe Survey – Support from the Police Commissioner

The following was published on the OWL (Online Watch Link) system on 21st September 2015 for all Neighbourhood Watch members.

Dear Watch Member,

We would like to say a huge thank you to all those who completed our survey on Hertfordshire’s Community DriveSafe scheme.  It was completed by an overwhelming 1,288 of you, with many more comments sent by email.

We were incredibly pleased to see that 74% of survey participants support the principle of the DriveSafe scheme, many sending positive comments about their experiences. However, it was also clear that some respondents are uncertain what DriveSafe is about and that more publicity and awareness is needed. If you’d like more information please visit the Police Commissioner’s site for details.

The full results of the survey can be found here:

Community DriveSafe is an important part of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s wider volunteering strategy empowering people and local businesses to support traffic speed reduction in their village or town. The aim is to educate drivers on the impact and dangers of their speed.

The survey showed there is a perception by some that speed monitoring should not be carried out by volunteers.  We would like to clarify that this scheme is about educating motorists and empowering local people; DriveSafe schemes are supported by police Safer Neighbourhood Teams and designed to complement speed enforcement carried out by officers. We also now have 27 Special Constables who support the schemes, using a laser speed gun at DriveSafe locations.

Feedback from the survey will be used to inform future improvements of the DriveSafe Scheme. Two if the most popular suggestions were to extend the scheme to include drivers on mobile phones and illegal and unsafe parking.

Both are in the Police and Crime plan around anti-social driving and will be taken forward over the coming months.

Again, thank you to all who took the time to respond to the survey.

Kind regards

DriveSafe Admin Team

If you need to reply regarding this message, click on this email address:

David Lloyd Police and Crime Commissioner
Neighbourhood Watch