Community Cafe – Another Year goes by

The Community Cafe is celebrating its 6th Birthday on Tuesday 3rd November 2015, so please make a special effort to come along and support Barbara Spencer and her hard working team of volunteers.

Every Tuesday the Community Cafe offers a welcome tea, coffee and biscuits, or a toasted tea cake, all at a very reasonable price. You will meet up with many local friends for a good chat. A Parish Councillor is usually there, and sometimes the local PCSO pops in.

The Community Cafe was launched on 3rd November 2009 as one of many products of the Welwyn Parish Plan. It  is a joint venture between Welwyn Parish Plan Action Group (WPPAG) and St. Mary’s Parochial Church Council (PCC).

The Community Cafe is held every Tuesday in New Church House, Welwyn.

Opens at 10 a.m. and closes at 12 p.m.