Business Crime Strategy – Police & Crime Commissioner’s Consultation

(The following is a notice put out on 18th September 2015 by the Police Crime Commissioner to Neighbourhood Watch members on the OWL (Online Watch Link) system).

Anyone involved in trade and commerce (whether a leader, employee or a special interest) is invited to feed back their views on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s new Business Crime Strategy for Hertfordshire.

A consultation has begun on Commissioner David Lloyd’s new plan that sets out how business crime will be tackled.

Crime against businesses currently makes up a fifth of all recorded crime and has a wider impact on the local economy as well as on individuals – financially, as well as emotionally.

To ensure the Business Crime Strategy meets the needs of Hertfordshire, the Commissioner would appreciate feedback and comments on the draft plan – this will shape the final document and create a workable plan that tackles this crime.

You can view the strategy and complete the survey form at: http://www.hertscommissioner. org/public-consultation

You can also comment on the strategy, without using the pre-formatted online form, by email to .

The consultation closes on 30th September 2015.

If you need to reply regarding this message, click on this email address: . uk

David Lloyd Police and Crime Commissioner