The following is drafted by Sandra Kyriakides.
WPAG believes that in the context of further WHBC Green Belt Study – Stage 3 called for by the Inspector, (see the WHBC December Local Plan Newsletter) the WPC should reiterate to WHBC by the 20th December 2019 deadline, the major concerns we have for any development in Welwyn – particularly on Green Belt sites – other than those that have already been agreed.
We argue this case on the basis of:
- the total lack of infrastructure to support further development
- regular peak hour gridlock at the Clock roundabout
- major redevelopment plans in Codicote (and further afield at Langley) which will increase traffic flow along the B656, which is already overcapacity at peak periods
- the recent approval of a housing development at the former Entech site in Woolmer Green and traffic flows on the B197
- lack of adequate medical provision for an increased population – Lister and QEII Hospitals are running at capacity – and 3-week waiting for GP appointments in local surgeries.