Draft Local Plan – Consultation Events and Documentation


The Draft Local Plan and Policies Map; the Sustainability Appraisal, the Habitats Regulations Assessment Report and the Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan, together with a summary guide to the Draft Local Plan and guidance notes for making a representation, the Statement of Consultation and the Statement of Representations Procedure can be viewed at http://www.welhat.gov.uk/localplan

Added to which, paper copies of the Draft Local Plan, the Policies Map and other documents will also be available to view at a number of inspections points throughout the local area. (See below)

Consultation Events

The Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council are holding a series of six Consultation Events across the Borough, where you will be able to speak directly to Council Planning Officers, on a one-to-one basis, and obtain paper copies of the documentation.

Details of all Events are included in the Local Plan Newsletter No.11 but for your convenience, the Consultation Event closest to Welwyn will be held on Wednesday 14th September 2016 at the Welwyn Civic Centre, Prospect Place, from 3.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.

You are all encouraged to go along, and ask questions.

The WPAG and the Welwyn Parish Council Planning & Licensing Committee are actively putting responses together, so please let us have your views.