Welwyn Planning & Amenity Group
Monthly Digest
Edition No. 15/02 September 2015
This is the 2nd Newsletter this year – we started late!
Our last Newsletter was well received and we have added the names of more subscribers since then, so if you are one of them, a big ‘welcome’. Please note that each Page of the website offers a panel in which you are encouraged to write comments, and we will hope to respond.
The Posts this past month reflect a re-focus of our scope that we talked about last month. Apart from the usual items about ‘planning’, we have several items about ‘amenities’. Danesbury features strongly as we are in ‘catch-up’ mode – we dearly want to write about many other Welwyn areas and organisations, but to do that we do need input from you.
If you are a member of a Society or Organisation in Welwyn, please encourage your group to contact us so that we can insert a link to their website (if they have one) or build a page to represent them (if they don’t).
So, if you have thoughts or ideas, or even better, if you will prepare a draft for us to edit and insert, then please do so. The only constraint that we will place is that drafts have to have some relevance to our community here in Welwyn, and the Editor reserves the right to edit!
The Monthly News Digest for September which follows, refers only to Posts published on www.wpag.org.uk during the month. So, please go to the website in order to stay up-to-date with longer running issues.
A final reminder – if you are a subscriber to Newsletters, but not yet a paid-up member of the WPAG, please help us meet our costs by signing-on as a member. We are a Registered Charity and we have no income other than subscriptions. This is easy to do by following the links on the Newsletters page on the website. The fee is only £4 for single members and £6 for households.
Apart from comments in the ‘Comments’ boxes on each page, feedback on this WPAG Monthly Digest should be by email to
Thank you for your interest and support.