15/01 August 2015

Welwyn Planning & Amenity Group

Monthly Digest

Edition No. 15/01                    August 2015


Welcome to the return of our WPAG Online Newsletter.

We have every hope that we will now, once again, be able to produce a Monthly Digest of all recent Posts on the website as we originally planned.

To remind you, this Monthly Digest is circulated to WPAG members, and non-members alike, so please mention the WPAG website to your friends so that we can widen the base of interest and encourage contributions from within the community of Welwyn.

Since the website was launched in 2012 we have enrolled some new members to WPAG, and if you are one of them, a very special welcome to you. And if this is your very first Newsletter, then we thank you for your patience.

If however you are a subscriber to the Newsletters, but not yet a paid-up member of the WPAG, please help us meet our costs by signing-on as a member. We are a Registered Charity and we have no income other than subscriptions. This is easy to do  by following the links on the Newsletters page on the website.

Re-Focussing for 2015

We are widening the scope of the website.

On the ‘Planning‘ front, we will continue applying the well established codes and practices that WPAG has been following for years, working closely as we do with the Welwyn Parish Council.

On the ‘Amenity‘ front however, we aim to explore opportunities to include News and items of interest about the activities of all local services, groups and organisations in and around the Welwyn area. An early example is the Welwyn Natural History Society’s Annual Programme which we now publish on the website, with direct links to the Hertfordshire Natural History Society.

We are actively seeking and welcoming comments and contributions from other local groups and organisations in and around Welwyn too. Please let us have your thoughts and suggestions.

In this way, WPAG members will have first-hand access to ‘experts’ who can add authority and value to the content of our website. The only rule we impose is that we retain editorial right to ensure that we produce a responsible Newsletter with worthwhile content, reported in a consistent style.

As a final reminder, these Monthly Digests only refer to Posts published on www.wpag.org.uk during the previous month, or since the last Newsletter if we miss a month! So, please go to the website in order to stay up-to-date with the current month’s latest WPAG news

Feedback on this WPAG Monthly Digest should preferably be by email to

Management of WPAG

The Contacts page on the website gives a breakdown of the Committee structure. Alan Plumley has joined the Committeee as Community (Amenities) representative. He will be actively assisting the Chairman in the management of the website, and the Editor in the production of Monthly Digests and Newsletters.

We also welcome our new Secretary, Valerie Plumley, who has taken over from Eleanor Lewis. We thank Eleanor for her work and help in managing the WPAG for the past three years.

As with all organisations, we need to plan for the succession of Committee membership, and we do need to encourage the appointment of Lead Committee members on a range of topics. If you have specific skills or experience in an appropriate field that you are prepared to offer, then please contact in the first instance.

Thank you for your interest and support.
