13/01 January 2013

Welwyn Planning & Amenity Group

Online Newsletter

Edition No. 13/01                      January 2013


Welcome to the first ever WPAG Online Newsletter. (Keep it – it might become collectable!)

Although we do want you to keep on looking at the website on a regular basis, to soak up all the interesting news, we do understand that your New Year Resolution might have wavered somewhat, and a regular ‘Digest’ could be useful.


We like the sound of that – so from now onwards we are going to call this online newsletter, the WPAG Monthly Digest…..You witnessed it – hIstory has just been made.

(We will print copies of this WPAG Monthly Digest for those members who are not online).

To cap the amount of time and effort that goes into the preparation of WPAG Monthly Digests, they will consist mainly of extracts from the previous month’s online Posts. In this way we hope to stand a better chance of producing a Newsletter each  month. To read the full text of any article you should follow the link provided to the main website. New articles or News will be published online in the first instance, in the current month’s category..

It should go without saying that we want your feedback, so that we have a better chance of producing something useful for the majority of members. Feedback on website content is simply done by typing text in the ‘Comment’ box on the respective website page and then clicking it.

Feedback on this WPAG Monthly Digest should preferably be by email to


Membership of WPAG

The WPAG Monthly Digest  will not be exclusive to WPAG members, but we are a Registered Charity. So, if you are NOT a fully paid up member, and you are enjoying our website and want to help us cover our costs, then please send an electronic payment of £4 to:-  WPAG at Sort Code 20-92-54 Account No. 63279103 and provide your name as ‘Reference’  – or email  for postal detail if you prefer to send a cheque. (Annual membership runs to 31st July)


Management of WPAG

The Contacts page on the website gives a breakdown of the Committee structure. In these early stages the Chairman is the webmaster and produces the WPAG Monthly Digest. Any queries about the WPAG Monthly Digest should be addressed by email to 

To be effective, we need to plan for the succession of Committee membership, and we do need to encourage the appointment of Lead Committee members on a range of topics. If you have specific skills or experience in an appropriate field that you are prepared to offer, then please contact in the first instance.