Following our very successful first Open Evening where we discussed our proposed Neighbourhood Plan policies on Planning, Development & Housing; Crime & Security; Shopping and Work & Employment, we are planning a further session where we will be covering Transport & Travel, Environment and Health & Wellbeing – subjects we are sure you will want to find out more about.
That second Open Evening will be on 19th October, in the Civic Centre, Prospect Place. We will open the doors from 7.00 pm and start the session promptly at 7.30 pm. There will be a brief opening presentation and then the audience will be guided around 3 break-out groups where members of the Steering Group will present the proposed draft policies for each aspect and then invite questions, discussion and the chance to contribute further ideas. We will then re-join for a final Question and Answer session. If there are any questions that we cannot answer on the night, we will reply via e-mail. The evening should last for approximately 2- 2¼ hours and tea and coffee will be available.
Do come along to find out what is being proposed and help shape the plan for your parish to cover then next 15 – 20 years.