Welwyn Planning & Amenity Group
Monthly Digest
Edition No. 16/03 October 2016
The past few months have seen some intense activity within the WPAG Committee and members have been under pressure to keep ourselves on an even keel. For the past month or so we have focussed our attention on the Draft Local Plan for Submission, which is expected to go to the Inspector in the Spring of 2017.
As we did when we were working on the first public consultation document, we have gladly joined with the Welwyn Parish Council Planning Committee (upon which we sit as co-opted members) and with the Welwyn Parish Plan Action Group, to form a planning sub-group which has examined the draft Local Plan and analysed the impact on the Parish.
In the background, the Secretary is busy trying to set up a date for our AGM, which this year will inevitably be later than usual for multiple reasons. We will quite soon be hand delivering Notices for the AGM, to which paid-up WPAG members will be welcome. So if you believe your subs are not up-to-date, please contact the and put matters right.
In the past few months, we have tried to make the payment of subscriptions easier by introducing an integrated online payment system via the website, but our new Treasurer is expected to introduce a Standing Order system for future payments which should resolve many issues we have.
If you are not yet a paid-up member of the WPAG, but enjoy reading these Newsletters, please consider helping us meet our costs by signing-on as a member. We are a Registered Charity and we have no income other than membership subscriptions. You can join by following the links on the Membership page on the website. The fee is only £4 for single members and £6 for households.
Apart from comments in the ‘Comments’ boxes on each page, feedback on this WPAG Monthly Digest should be by email to
Thank you for your interest and support.