Welwyn Planning & Amenity Group
Monthly Digest
Edition No. 15/03 October 2015
During October we have continued to expand our interest in Amenities available in Welwyn, but hopefully not at the expense of Planning issues before us, (see below).
We have been able to make a connection with the Welwyn Beekeepers and the 1st Welwyn Scout Group. We will aim to expand on those links in the hope that this will be of interest to members of WPAG, and of help to those local groups too.
We have also further developed a General Calendar, and a Calendar specifically for active organisations and Societies with whom we have established a link.
We dearly want to write about many other Welwyn-based groups, but to do that we do need input from you. If you are a member of a Society or Organisation in Welwyn, please encourage your group to contact us so that we can insert a link to their website (if they have one) or build a page to represent them (if they don’t). Write to
The Monthly News Digest for October which follows, refers only to Posts published on www.wpag.org.uk during the month. So, please go to the website in order to stay up-to-date with longer running issues.
In the next Issue we will focus on issues relating to progress with the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan, specifically to draw attention to the new and/or amended housing sites now being considered, that will affect us in Welwyn. We are currently discussing these with the Welwyn Parish Council Planning Committee, where we have co-opted membership, and we will be planning our own response and action.
But, please be reminded that the second of the Borough’s public ‘drop-ins’ to display the details of the new/amended housing sites is to be held on Wednesday 11th November 2015 from 4 p.m. to 8.p.m. at The Focolore Centre, Parkway, WGC. So if you are a WPAG member you will be able to brief yourself on these proposals ready to discuss them with your Committee at the following evening’s AGM on Thursday 12th November 2015.
(If you are a fully paid-up member of WPAG and have not received the Notice of the AGM please contact )
If you are not yet a paid-up member of the WPAG, but enjoy reading these Newsletters, please consider helping us meet our costs by signing-on as a member. We are a Registered Charity and we have no income other than membership subscriptions. You can join by following the links on the Newsletters page on the website. The fee is only £4 for single members and £6 for households.
Apart from comments in the ‘Comments’ boxes on each page, feedback on this WPAG Monthly Digest should be by email to
Thank you for your interest and support.