Welwyn Planning & Amenity Group
Monthly Digest
Edition No. 13/02 February 2013
Welcome to the second WPAG Online Newsletter.
We have had a good response from Edition 13/01 and as a result have added more WPAG members’ email addresses to the website, so many of you will now for the first time be receiving this Newsletter direct from the website, without human intervention!
And we are delighted to say that we have enrolled some new members to WPAG as a result of the new website, and if you are one of them, a very special welcome to you. Please mention the WPAG website to your friends because we know we will be able to broaden its interest value if we have a broader base of membership.
Last month we declared that we will print copies of Online Newsletters for those WPAG members who are not online, but unfortunately we have not managed to do that yet, for cost reasons. For those WPAG members who are not online we are going to consider printing a Newsletter at less frequent intervals, perhaps bi-annually.
New Contributors
If you have been reading the more recent Posts on the website you will have noticed that we have benefited from articles submitted by non-member organisations. For instance, Cllr. Colin Hukin contributed a Summary of the Welwyn Parish Council’s response to the recent WHBC Core Strategy Consultation Paper, (this will appear in next month’s Monthly Digest) and David Cheek submitted an article about the work of the Friends of the Mimram. In the next Edition you will find articles about the Welwyn Parish Plan submitted by the Chairman of the Welwyn Parish Plan Action Group.
We want to encourage such contributions because it allows WPAG members first-hand access to ‘experts’ who can add authority and value to the content of our website. The only rule we impose is that we retain editorial right to ensure that we provide you with a responsible Newsletter with worthwhile content, reported in a consistent style.
If you have thoughts on any organisation which has local impact or interest, please let us know.
To remind you, these Monthly Digests only refer to Posts published on www.wpag.org.uk during the previous month. So, please go to the website in order to stay up-to-date with the current month’s latest WPAG news
Feedback on this WPAG Monthly Digest should preferably be by email to
Membership of WPAG
The WPAG Monthly Digest will not be exclusive to WPAG members, but we are a Registered Charity No. 272277. So, if you are NOT a fully paid up member, and you are enjoying our website and the Monthly Digests, you can help us cover our costs by sending an electronic payment of £4 to:- WPAG at Sort Code 20-92-54 Account No. 63279103 and provide your name as ‘Reference’. Or please email for postal details if you prefer to send a cheque. (Annual membership runs to 31st July)
Management of WPAG
The Contacts page on the website gives a breakdown of the Committee structure. In these early stages the Chairman is the webmaster and produces the WPAG Monthly Digest. Please address queries comment of feedback about the WPAG Monthly Digest to:
To be effective, we need to plan for the succession of Committee membership, and we do need to encourage the appointment of Lead Committee members on a range of topics. If you have specific skills or experience in an appropriate field that you are prepared to offer, then please contact in the first instance.