The Neighbourhood Plan goes out for public consultation from Wednesday 8th May to 28th June prior to being submitted to WHBC for final approval. This is your chance to have your say about the policies that will shape our parish for the next 20 years.
The Plan (in summary and full versions) is available on this link to the WPC website The Plan and all supporting documents can be downloaded from the web site: https://welwyn-pc.gov.uk/neighbourhood-plan-site/. This includes the three Evidence Base documents: Parish Portrait, Open Spaces and Survey Report and further documentation originated by others (e.g. the WH Local Plan). All are in .pdf format.
Comments and representations may be sent:
· using the downloadable form (in MS Word format so it can be expanded by respondees) completed and returned as an e-mail attachment to our Deputy Clerk; or
· using the downloadable form (in MS Word format) printed, completed and returned via the post or delivery by hand to the Parish; or
· using the online form – details at https://welwyn-pc.gov.uk/regulation-14-consultation-response-form/or directly from: https://form.jotform.com/241214691803048
Even if you have no comments, we would still be pleased to receive a short e-mail message confirming that, so the Consultation Statement can show that result. All responses will be anonymised if ever scrutinised or extracts will be made.
Any queries should be addressed to the Deputy Clerk (at the Parish Offices) who will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.
Our thanks go to Bill Morris who has led this plan. WPAG has been part of the working party developing the Plan. It has been drafted following the views submitted by the 1110 responses to the survey carried out throughout the Parish. The Plan includes a vision of the future and policies to help achieve that ranging from development and agriculture to business, environment and traffic. So do have a read and have your say.